Primary 3 awards in Castlehill
We had a surprise trip(for your class at least) on Wednesday because of your good work and wonderful homework projects that most of you brought in about places that had hit on the blog,and you had been such superstars, Miss Littleson decided you were due an extra treat, and I agreed, so on Wednesday, we had a lovely time in Southend. We had ice cream and chocolate cake at Muneroy tearoom. We went to Columba's footprint, Keil caves, saw and talked about Dunaverty Rock and the event that happened there. Wow! You remembered from our Knights and Castles project! The best bit happened when Jamie asked me at every stop.'Are you still enjoying yourself Mrs Moffat?' and I could answer truthfully. 'Yes' You all behaved very well and that makes it really good for your teacher. There have been over a thousand pictures taken. Video and sound from our directors and camerapeople was piling up before the holidays, since it wouldn't work in school, so I'll try to get it here so you can see it. I am looking forward to hearing what you are doing on your holidays and where Campbell bear is going. I am really pleased that you liked your certificates. Well done and keep it up!
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